

Sunday, September 6, 2015

the crazy things my cat's do. I promise you will get a chuckle

Meet Dobby. Dobby was a rescue kitten when he came to us a little over a year ago. We have another cat name well... kitty cat, she came to us one crazy winter morning as we were in the middle of an ice storm. She scared the living hell out of me that cold winter morning! i had just settled down for my morning cup of joe in front of our large bay window, when a loud crash came from behind my head I thought for sure a branch was coming through the window. (thankfully I hadn't had drank much coffee yet or I may have had to clean up an accident).
I looked out the window and I thought it was our visiting squirrel John Franklin Jr.(um that is a story for another day, the naming of the squirrel) but it was not the squirrel, it was a fluffy little kitten. Now, you see the bubby figure isn't overly fond of cats, but myself on the other hand love them. So I grabbed a can of tuna and ran out into the storm and fetched the little critter and she has been my shadow ever since then.
Dobby was brought home by my daughter. She knew I would probably not say no, but I tried to. I knew the hubby figure would not want another pet in the house especially a cat, although he had grown to love Kitty Cat.

Both cats look almost identical although Dobby has a longer coat and is much heavier then Kitty. Now the high jinks begin! My crazy Dobby loves dogs and our one dog is his best friend, they literally play all day long chasing each other around the house. No the dog is not trying to attack and eat him, it's more the other way around, I am really lucky to have such a tolerant set of dogs. Kitty is out off by Dobby, she is a very laid back and relaxed sort of type, while Dobby is a very active cat. 

Dobby serves as my Royal Guard. He feels the need to walk in front of me everywhere I go. I have been tripped up by the Guard on many occasions, and it is rather humorous see the look on his face that I have stopped the procession because I have tripped over him. He also enjoys making sure that each family member has protection against the nasty water fall in the bathroom (the shower) He will literally climb in and skirt the edge of the shower and sit and watch and do his best to remove you from the dangers of the crashing waters! I can only imagine what his thoughts are as he reaches out his paw and tries to grab on and pull you out from the danger.

Kitty, as I have said is my shadow She too will try to remove you from the bath. Just the other day as I sat on the bedroom floor she climbed up her perch on the bed, and began to actually pet and stroke my head. 

Well this is just a little bit of my home and my crazy cats, and yes I was inspired by Dobby this morning as I once again tripped of my Royal Guard.

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