

Friday, September 18, 2015

A bit ruffled this morning!

I am sure by now that most of you have been hearing about "The View and Joy Behar, and Michelle Collins"and how they  have certainly made a HUGE (and that is an understatement) mistake in their "opinion" on the nursing profession!

Both women from this TV. show are now under scrutiny for their "view" and their comments. Millions of nurses have now flocked together along with Doctors to show support for this noble profession #NursesUnite.

I support my colleagues, no I am not a nurse, but I do work with them daily at my regular job and have done so for 26 years. Let me tell you this, in a medical facility outside of a doctors office, you will only see a doctor for an average of 15 minutes. You will however see that nurse for the remainder of your time.  In nursing homes there are no doctors The nurses run the show! They make the critical decisions needed to care for your loved one. In a hospital a doctor makes his morning rounds and then dictates to the nurses a plan of action, the nurse is responsible for carrying those plans out, and they often find errors and report it back to the doctor, in short they save lives everyday!! So how dare these two women mock this woman, for being 1. courageous enough to be different and show the world a true talent? 2. calling her out and saying in short that being a nurse is not a talent??

FYI****  Scrubs are not costumes, they are a UNIFORM!  A STETHOSCOPE is NOT  called a  DOCTOR'S STETHOSCOPE! All nurses use them and so do C.N.A's ( certified nursing assistants).

Last night I saw a brief clip of these two trying to back track and support nurses. However, there was no apology given. The statement that one of them has a nurse in the family just goes to show, she isn't very close to that family member, otherwise she would truly KNOW  what it means and what true talent it takes to be a nurse!!!

Oh and by the way that nurse they mocked on national TV, was named second runner up of the pageant. Not to bad for being just a nurse huh?

I need to make mention here: I just came across and article that a few advertisers are puling all ads from this show, in support of nurses everywhere! Shout out a big thank you to those companies...

Just remember nurses use big needles and use  catheters too!!! I wouldn't get one to angry.

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