

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Crazed Fanatics, and Rejection

Good morning EVERYONE!

I decided to write this article due to a recent incident with a ..... well I am not sure what to say here.

With out going in to detail or divulging the name of person or persons involved, I will regardless of what was said to whom and from who, keep to my professional side and not give out names. Just a short read here for you and a thought for you all to keep in mind.

When does a fan or follower cross the line? Well, one could say when they begin to over do it, like emailing you several times a day, asking for money, playing on your sympathies, all the way up to stalking and threatening you or your agents if you decide to step away from the overwhelming response you are receiving from said person or persons.

I can not fathom what would make a person go to these extremes. I will never fully understand the inner workings of the mind of people like this. I have recently, been attacked personally and I seriously do not know why. I have never given this person cause for the attack. I have very little interaction with this individual and the claim that was made to me was completely pulled out of thin air!!

This is an isolated incident, however, I have been receiving reports from others who have been experiencing similar problems. (No I will not give out names, for their protection).

Have I ever been rejected from a publisher? Sure. Have I ever wanted to lash out at them for the rejection, maybe sometimes,but have I ever crossed that line into the crazy lady that goes ballistic on them? Heck NO! It would be unprofessional, and unethical to do so. Doing such a thing would cause a person to get a bad reputation, and I have no interest in that what so ever. The same goes for any of my fans or followers. I have never told a fan to get lost, or to leave me alone,  or anything else. That is extreme to say the least. I love my fans and my followers. I have mentioned this before in numerous other posts, that I write for you, I'm not here for the money or the fame (of which I have made neither or very little of).

So please I beg of you, if you are in the public spotlight, be aware of the warning signs of the crazed fanatics around you. People who don't like the word NO, or who just don't give up if you do not reply to them. Stay safe, one or two lost fans is not worth something much more dear to you....

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