

Monday, September 14, 2015

A Wealth of Information for Indie Writers or Aspiring Writers Trying to Break in to the Big World of Publishing

I sit down this morning, and share with you some of the more reputable sites I have come across while attempting to get my own books published.
 I am listing here some of the sites that may be of great interest to you to look into, on your own journey in trying to get your book published and out there.

I have been researching some of these places listed for a few years now, and have found nothing that would make me think that they are not worth giving a try.

1. Artwork: For a great book design ( and let's face everyone judges a book by the cover) I found Amygdala Design.... They offer great products and stunning imagery! The price is very reasonable as well. ( I plan to use them when I can fir it into my budget). They get right back to you with any questions you  have and give a fair price for their work.

2. Want some sites that are looking for submissions sent directly to your inbox? Subscribe to Author's Publish Magazine, You can get to the site through this link here:

I get several leads weekly on publishing companies look for stories, that pay and pay well.. This subscription is free, and all you do is look over the sites they send you, the also include a brief synopsis of each site they send, along with what they have researched on the sites. They put a lot of work into put this out their for us aspiring writer's and it is well worth the time to subscribe to them.

3. Go directly to the source it self. The site I am linking here is a site where agents and publishers are listed. There are hundreds of agents listed, looking for their next client.....(that is if you want to go that route)

4. Writer Beware (literally) this is also a website that digs up info on unrepeatable publishers and agents who are out to scam you. It is definitely worth it to look into this site.

5. A handful of good places to start your submissions: I have submitted to these, and even though I had no luck, I still find that they are honest in their work and have a good standing as small press publisher's
Samhain Publishing,
Dark Hall Press,
and many others
If you area Horror Genre writer check out the Horror writers Association

If you want to stay strictly Indie, then use Creatspace for your book publishing, they do not charge fees and you can order copies of your books cheap, they will also cross over your book to eBook format for Amazon.
You can also go directly to the source and use Amazon's site, however they do not offer the chance to print a hard copy for you, it is strictly eBook.
Smashwords is right up there! There you can create your eBook for free, and put it out there, they also allow you to print coupons for your customers, so you have the chance to give away as many free copies as you would like.

These are but just a small handful of places I have used and researched. If you have had a good experience with a company not listed, please leave a comment below for the readers of this blog.
Enjoy and Good luck on your search.

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