

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Starting Out as a New Author

Starting out as an Author can be a very scary process. The Author took the time to create this whole new world, and developed the plot and characters, and delved deep into their own self consciousness, to bring this all together. the rough draft is done! next thing you know self doubt sets in..... it happens.

The Author starts to ask will everyone love this book? Will I get an agent? Will I get a publisher??  The questions go on and on....  If I can give one piece of good advice to any new author out there it is this : STOP DOUBTING YOURSELF!!

Rejection letters suck, yes they do. Now let's take a look at some famous Authors: Did you know Stephen King was rejected roughly 30 times, for his best seller Carrie??? Let's not forget J.K Rowling received about 12 rejections for Harry Potter... look at them both now!! (bet those publishers/ agents are kicking themselves right now).

Let me ask you this, why did you give up after a handful of rejections??? Because you let your own self doubt come to fruit! Keep plugging away and working on your query letters, look some up online see what works, do your research on the agencies and publishers see what they really want, research the market and see if you can compare your work to others and let them know why your work is better.

Do NOT give up on yourself..... writing takes time, if you are in a hurry, then you are in the wrong business. Sure you can always self publish, but are you willing to do what it takes to market yourself?? (trust me here, it takes a lot to do this! It is a full time plus overtime job to market your work.).

In the end all I can really say, is don't give up... did you get that?? If not let me put it in a simple way for you.


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