If you just read my latest post (and I know how many of you have I have stats on my blog), then you know that I have a book out there.... what you do not know is this: I gave out more than 40 free copies!!! What else you do not know is; not one of those freebies gained me a review or a rating. WHY???!!!
There are 2 possible reasons: 1. They didn't like the book, OK! Fine, but they could at least say so
2. People, want something for nothing... this is true and it is not just in the book world. It is in every aspect of life. Why are we as people so greedy? Do we just not give two craps about what it took for a person to create something from nothing? Apparently so.
I personally do give reviews and ratings. I don't hype up a book because I want something in return. I give a review because it is the polite thing to do. I know a lot of people LOVED the book, how do I know this? There are programs that show people promoting my work! But yet, there are still no ratings or reviews. While I appreciate the the promotions, what an Author really needs to make a splash is those very simple, ratings or a small review of why, you liked, loved, or even hated that book you got for free.
Another thing that irks me to no end,(and I know I am not alone in this, I have friends in this business, yes I know that sounds weird... LOL I have friends!) Some of us take time away from our day, our work, our whatever to push another persons work..... but not one of those people do the favor in return!! Seriously, what the heck is up with that??!!!
The biggest thing you can do for an author is give them a review or rating and tell someone else about their book. There is absolutely NO reason not to share your thoughts or opinions on something you got for free, or bought. what are you afraid of? It was the Author who put themselves out there, not you.
So I will leave it at this... LEAVE A RATING, OR REVIEW! (Rant over and yes I am being very Cheeky this morning as the Rooster Crows!)
Spoken well my friend!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for speaking out