

Monday, September 7, 2015

Family Matters

Hello to all of my readers!! I hope I find you all well and in good shape today.

Today I am writing about Family. I have mentioned before that I have daughter who is now in High School. I am truly having a difficult time adjusting to her new schedule.

I work evenings and the hubby figure works days. We have always done this so that one parent is always in the house for our daughter. I suppose that I do miss out on some of the concerts and recitals due to this, however I need to work and we need the money so that we can afford to give our children the necessary things in life.

My daughter is in band at her school, this year is proving to be very busy for her. Her new band instructor has her scheduled to do extra practices twice a week in the evenings ( actually the entire band has this not just my daughter). Soon they will start their band competitions as well as playing at the home games during football season. She also has to keep up with her homework as well. High School is no play ground, they have a lot more work to do to keep up with their studies, as she is finding out.

I have also mentioned before that she has made numerous new friends. This is great! She is out of her shell and instead of relying on just one best friend she has many now. You really want your kids to have friend's so you sit back and let them go off and socialize. This is great for her, but now that cuts out another piece of time for mom and dad.

In an earlier post I showed how a very nice young man asked my daughter to the Homecoming dance. It was very sweet to say the least. However now, they are "dating". I call it more like boyfriend and girlfriend, and not dating as they are both too young to go on a date unsupervised, but you got to keep up with the times, and this is what the kids call it these days. I am lucky that she landed a boy who has a lot of respect for her. But there it is, another very large chunk of time gone from mom and dad.

I am trying to help my daughter understand the importance of family, and that she needs to still spend time with her family, but where does one draw the line? It truly is difficult for a parent to draw the line when everything is going great for their kids. I want her to keep her friends and her boyfriend, and her passion for music and keep up with her good grades, but I do not want to sacrifice my time with her.

SO I suppose what I am trying to say is Family does Matter, and as a parent there really does come a time when we realize that we do sacrifice a lot of our time for our children's happiness. We wait in the background for the day they realize just how much you gave up and come back and say thank you for all that you have done for me. I will wait, and I will continue to sacrifice my precious time I have with her, so that she will be a happy girl.

I will not get cocky over this!!

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