

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Morning roll call in the news

Ok here, is what is on my morning news feed. I am only posting the ones that make me ask the question WTH??? ( you know what that means, and if not then look it up)

NOTE**  All articles retain their own rights and I have nothing to do with contributing to them, please give credit where credit is due.  These articles are not mine I am only posting the links for you to read them on your own.   Really? Why are we even importing cucumbers in the first place? I mean those things grow like weeds here!!

Who knew pillow fights could be so dangerous? All I have to say to this one is maybe they shouldn't have gotten so.........cocky??

For this one there was no specific news link, just a Facebook post. I just have to shake my head at this one.

I don't care who are or what your beliefs are, but when you start disobeying the LAW over your beliefs then you get what you deserve!
moving on.....

And now this just in (insert that annoying old time noise they used to play for head line news back in the old days)


well those are just a few that I have come across this morning. The hubby figure is home from work and I suppose I need to put this on the shelf and wait for tomorrow morning, until then thank you for reading The Cheeky Rooster and remember "don't be so cocky!".

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