

Thursday, October 1, 2015

It is NOT OK to.........

This will most definitely come off as a "rant" and I don't really care about that. (if you're offended by that simple statement, I'm not sorry, because you need to keep reading).

It is NOT OK,  to take books out of the classrooms!! I realize that we are advancing in society with new technology, however NOT all people learn the same way. I am not against technology in the classroom, but to take away actual physical books with written words that you can  read and re read until you can comprehend what is being taught is ridiculous, (but, Cheeky you can do that online!! Ya and I can look up porn online too but it doesn't mean that I do or that it is a fit for me). You may think that this does not relate to you, STOP right there!!! Yes it does. Most of my readers are Authors, and publishers, and everything in between. How would you all feel if all the sudden, you no longer had the ability to sell your physical copy of your book?? Pretty crappy huh. Technology is putting publishing houses and printers out of business, and that is just not OK with me, but that is really only a portion of my rant.

I HATE AND DESPISE  the COMMON CORE practice in the schools. It's all tied together, I have letters from teachers, that say that due to common core and the new tech, they no longer carry the actual books. WTF??!!! How am I as a parent supposed to HELP my child learn or unlearn, that 2+2=4??? How do we as society accept this idea? "Well you got the wrong answer to the mathematical equation, BUT your steps to show your answer are good, so you pass. How the heck did we let this happen? Is this OK with you? NOT me!

So, when I call up a teacher and ask where the book is, I get pretty ticked off when I hear, well we don't have them, or why don't you know how to use the technology?? First and foremost, that is extremely insulting to my intelligence, and yes I find that insulting. The best reply I got from teacher when I questioned him about the text books, was " I have them take notes in class"....I found this utterly laughable. My reply was this, " Not everyone is capable of writing down the notes and try to keep up with what you are teaching, and not all people are good note takers, this is where you are failing. You can not expect a young child to be put under that type of pressure in class and thrive. This is NOT college, this (at the time) is 7th grade!"

Every person on the planet is an INDIVIDUAL, not everyone learns in the same manner, so why are the schools forcing our children into a one track mind set? It is not right and yes I will fight on this, not just for my own child, but for others as well.



  1. The Government want the children to all follow like "Sheeple" they can "brainwash" a lot easier with new technology with all the hidden subliminal messages in them. They are working towards a One Global New World Order and have been doing it for years. God Help us all if they get this right!

  2. I firmly believe, that teachers are the key to getting this crap out of our school systems,

  3. I completely agree with this! I can not help my kids with anything but history (because you can't change that) and science. The math, I feel completely dumb when trying to figure that out. I think its awesome that all kids have lap tops but they shouldn't rely on technology to teach our children. What happens when the system crashes?
