

Friday, October 2, 2015

The Escape : Eve Ate the Apple Book One; A Review

Wow where do I even begin with this one? I'll start with the words taken from the book cover: "A Forbidden Love. A Daring Escape. An Epic Adventure."- Seven Steps, Author.

Well that really about sums it up! This book truly has it all. I admit I am not one for Science Fiction, with that said, I am so overly happy that I got a chance to read this book and met with the Author Seven Steps.

It is a difficult thing to bring about a completely unique story, but Seven Steps has fully accomplished this with her book. I am almost at a loss for words after reading this story( I said ALMOST). So moving on. The story begins on a futuristic Venus where women are the rulers, and men are reduced to servants. Our two main characters adore their slaves, in fact they love them, one outright declares from the get go, although her slave knows all too well the consequences of their love will mean certain death for the both of them. The second character tries in vain not to care for her slave, but soon comes to realize that she has been kidding herself the entire time, she does love him, and will do anything to ensure his safety.

With out giving away too many spoilers (you will just have to buy the book and read for yourself what happens) there is a great escape and the women along with their slaves, and two mysterious children, are on the run. They time jump to Earth. Unfortunately they landed in the wrong era, and most definitely in the wrong place.. (how's the saying go? Out of the frying pot into the fire?? It's been too long for me to remember)

Peril and an unforeseen loss mixed with tragedy, war, and new found freedom make for an epic adventure. There is a mystery here that needs to be solved, our adventurers are loosing their memories, the only thing holding them together is the overwhelming sense, that they belong together through the bond of love and friendship.

I give this book 4.5 stars out 5. If Seven Steps, hasn't yet landed a book deal with a publishing company she really should be!! You will be hard pressed to find such a beautifully written well told story like this one. Move over Arthur C Clark, there's some new competition in town and the name  is Seven Steps!

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