

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Editing and Editors.................

Disclaimer *** This article is not about bashing Editors!! It is in general a warning in regards to freelance editors who prey on new authors as you will read in the next paragraph.....

Is it necessary for an Indie Author to hire an Editor? The answer is no. In fact I have books that come across my desk that have been professionally (supposedly) edited for a huge sum of money that have clearly NOT been edited in the slightest.

I am not saying that there are not stellar Editors out there (there really are!), but if you are going to go this route make sure you are getting what you pay for. Here's a piece of information for you, a publishing house, if your manuscript is accepted, will have their own editors going over the same manuscript you just paid to have edited. So you spent money for nothing.

If you intend on staying on the Indie route, then by all means keep your editor, but keep them on their toes, and avoid being ripped off. Do your work, and go over the manuscript with a fine tooth comb after the editor has done his/her own work on it, if you find even one single error, call them out on it. Demand that they make it right and refund part of the money, they obviously didn't do the job they were hired for now did they? You wouldn't pay a plumber to put in half of your plumbing and say it's usable would you? Hell NO.

Don't be afraid to be demanding in your work and what you are paying for. They should also be looking for a publisher for the manuscript, if they are not then chances are, you are being over charged. In most large Publishing companies, it is the editor's job to say "hey this is great stuff! I think you should take it on".

Also you can cut cost by buying your own editing software, there are tons of them out there! Yes some are expensive, but think of it this way, would you rather pay $500-600 one time or each time you have a new book coming out? Personally a one time fee sounds much better than the latter. Another question you should be asking is, did I get my money back in sales? Did anyone else, review and remark that there were mistakes in my work? If so , You need to have a word with your editor and have them make it right.

There are those out there that will prey on an inexperienced writer, so beware of what you are buying, shop around before you get into something you may regret later.

Stay cheeky and be on your toes!

1 comment:

  1. You are so right my Cheeky Rooster!!
    I have been down that road... I can attest to the fact there ARE people out there that prey on inexperienced newbie authors.... I have learned much through this experience... Might I add- The Hard Way!!! Please take Cheeky's advise, there ARE awesome editors out there... But there are also assholes imitating editors and designers as well. Do your homework, talk to other authors you know and trust. Ask them who they use. And always trust your gut! If it doesn't feel right or seems too good to be true... Chances are it is.
