

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A little off Topic: Public speaking.

I have written in previous posts, that I have numerous hobbies. What I haven't stated is that I used to give speech's for a living. This was at first, a very difficult position, you see I suffer from anxiety and I am not real found of being out in the public. However, I found that I was really good at it. Once on stage, I could be myself crack jokes and get the audience to laugh with me, once I established that I was much more at ease.

When I was in College, I would hear students dreading taking Speaking 101. For me, after having done so many public speech's it was no big concern. But how did I get rid of that fear and anxiety standing up in front of a room full of strangers? That is a good question.

The fear and anxiety was always there, up until I hit the stage. However once I got the attention of the audience, I felt confidence grow inside of me and from there I took charge of the room. I made sure to always make the crowd feel like I was speaking directly to them. I spoke with encouragement, and guided them to what I was speaking on.

So here are a few tips for you to use when it comes to public speaking.

1. Do not be afraid to be nervous. This is natural. Once you begin your speech, focus on your speech, this will distract you from your fears.

2. Stick with topics you know. It is much easier to talk about something you know a lot about, but if required to give a speech on something you are unfamiliar with, do a lot of research and make good notes to refer to.

3. Do not be afraid to give your honest opinion on the subject. The audience wants to know how you, the presenter, feels about the subject matter. If you can't convince yourself, of your topic, you will not convince you audience.

4. Use humor when humor is needed. Do not go up and be a comedian, unless you truly can pull it off. Stick to the topic!

5. Eye contact is essential!! Making eye contact draws your audience into you, you have their attention, now they are listening.

6. Walk around, use hand gestures, and get excited! There is nothing more thrilling than to see some one who is up their, putting on a great performance!

7. Give thanks, and gratitude for their time!!

It all comes down to this, make it personal, for you and your audience... Speak from your heart and your compassion. I promise once you see the first person, really paying attention to what you are saying, all those fears and doubts will go away, and you will walk off that stage with a renewed confidence in yourself.

In this matter I encourage you to get very Cheeky!!

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