Here's a great idea, and I know some authors already do this but in my opinion not enough do. A review swap is simply just that. Authors share their books with each other and take the time to read the books then give out a review of the book. Honestly who better to give a professional review?
Writing is most of the time a competition: We all want to be ranked number one, however, we should be gracious and support one another as well. The top readers are of course authors (no I'm not saying that all readers are authors, what I am saying is that obviously authors are readers and seeing as though this is at times their main profession they would be considered top notch readers).
Writing should never be a competition between authors, each one of us knows how difficult it is to make it in this profession, so we all should be showing some support and reviewing each others books.
Give it a go, we all know another author, grab a copy of their book and leave a review. I do it, why aren't you?
Here is the link to my book The Immortal Design.*Version*=1&*entries*=0
If you want to do a book swap contact me.
Also, the book is $1.99 to buy as an eBook, or if you are a member of Amazon prime its free.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
What do you want??
Okay people, I am asking you, what do you want to see more of here on The Cheeky Rooster?
1. More book reviews
2. More interviews
3. More personal stories
4. My daily rants?
5. My views on what's going on in the world???
You tell me what you would like to see more of!
1. More book reviews
2. More interviews
3. More personal stories
4. My daily rants?
5. My views on what's going on in the world???
You tell me what you would like to see more of!
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Immortal Design
The Immortal Design by Angel Ernst
Please leave a review or rating I now how many free copies went out and how many were sold, with out ratings or reviews, there is no way to let others know how much you liked it, or even hated it.... show support for your authors We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.
**update** two reviews now in!
Please leave a review or rating I now how many free copies went out and how many were sold, with out ratings or reviews, there is no way to let others know how much you liked it, or even hated it.... show support for your authors We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.
**update** two reviews now in!
OMG! Though this is not a genre I normally read. I could not put the book down.
The mystery and chemistry within the pages, intrigued me, making me what to hurry up and finish the book. And get the answers to my questions, yet when I was finished, i was disappointed. NOT in the story by any means, but in myself for being so impatient.
I wanted to slap myself. So what did i do? Yes, I went back and read it a second time.
The mystery and chemistry within the pages, intrigued me, making me what to hurry up and finish the book. And get the answers to my questions, yet when I was finished, i was disappointed. NOT in the story by any means, but in myself for being so impatient.
I wanted to slap myself. So what did i do? Yes, I went back and read it a second time.
Review by: Paul Zunckel on April 28, 2015 :
This is an amazing story, a wonderful fresh approach to the Dracula Saga and it falls into the category of a real page turner, and that is what it did to me, as I had the privilege of reading The Immortal Design while the author was traveling down the dark road, and she kept me waiting for the next chapter, and wanting more.
The two main characters are really great, and the love that simmers under the surface of all the deceit,horror and history in the story will have you reaching out to them and supporting them as the story reaches its climax.
This is a very well written book, and the author put her heart and soul into it, and I wish her all the best.
The Immortal Design will transport you into another world,and at the end of the journey, you will close the book, sit back and say,"Man that was a great read."
This is an amazing story, a wonderful fresh approach to the Dracula Saga and it falls into the category of a real page turner, and that is what it did to me, as I had the privilege of reading The Immortal Design while the author was traveling down the dark road, and she kept me waiting for the next chapter, and wanting more.
The two main characters are really great, and the love that simmers under the surface of all the deceit,horror and history in the story will have you reaching out to them and supporting them as the story reaches its climax.
This is a very well written book, and the author put her heart and soul into it, and I wish her all the best.
The Immortal Design will transport you into another world,and at the end of the journey, you will close the book, sit back and say,"Man that was a great read."
By Seven Steps Author on October 30, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
Jonathan is a typical high school kid, with a very strange lineage. Then his friend, Pete, goes missing, only to turn up in a hospital with a fantastic tale: Jonathan's girlfriend saved him from a wolf attack and carried him to the hospital.
Jonathan's girlfriend Willa, the new foreign exchange student, is exactly what she tells everyone she is, a vampire. When her past comes back to bite her, she must save Jonathen, even if it means sacrificing herself.
Great read with classic elements of Dracula, and Van Helsing.
Jonathan's girlfriend Willa, the new foreign exchange student, is exactly what she tells everyone she is, a vampire. When her past comes back to bite her, she must save Jonathen, even if it means sacrificing herself.
Great read with classic elements of Dracula, and Van Helsing.
Support Cheeky
Morning everyone! I'm asking that you all show some support for this blog and everything I do for you. I work hard on this blog and now the video reviews for you all, and yet I haven't seen anyone follow this blog as of yet....
Another way to help support this blog and Cheeky, is to click our ads and see what our advertisers have to offer...
Without continued support, Cheeky will have to go away, and that would be unfortunate.
Many people do not realize that the ads on our page is our only source of revenue. They may be annoying to you, but some of them have a lot to offer, I have looked at them myself and found them to be interesting. Unfortunately there is no donation button to keep Cheeky alive....
So If you enjoy this blog or even any other blogs, show your support, follow, share, and with your help we will continue to grow!
Thank you to all who stop by and see what's going on here at Cheeky Rooster!!
Another way to help support this blog and Cheeky, is to click our ads and see what our advertisers have to offer...
Without continued support, Cheeky will have to go away, and that would be unfortunate.
Many people do not realize that the ads on our page is our only source of revenue. They may be annoying to you, but some of them have a lot to offer, I have looked at them myself and found them to be interesting. Unfortunately there is no donation button to keep Cheeky alive....
So If you enjoy this blog or even any other blogs, show your support, follow, share, and with your help we will continue to grow!
Thank you to all who stop by and see what's going on here at Cheeky Rooster!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Kaycee's Tattered Spirit Video review
I had a lot fun making this video. Keep coming back for more of me Cheeky Rooster and more great books and authors and my reviews..
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Working on Cheeky
Good morning readers!!! Sorry I haven't posted lately, but I have been busy working my other job (13 hour days ugh, but hey its extra money for later). In my last post I wrote that I would be adding videos to my blog, and that is what I have been working on for this blog. I am going to be doing video reviews as well as written reviews. I will also be adding video interviews once I get a good platform to work with.
The next step is to find businesses or people interested in placing ads in the video. So if you are interested in this please contact me for a quote on the price of advertising.
I'm looking forward to doing a lot more reviews and interviews of authors, so if you are interested in being featured on my blog contact me.
Have a great day and stay Cheeky!!
The next step is to find businesses or people interested in placing ads in the video. So if you are interested in this please contact me for a quote on the price of advertising.
I'm looking forward to doing a lot more reviews and interviews of authors, so if you are interested in being featured on my blog contact me.
Have a great day and stay Cheeky!!
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Coming soon...
In the near future, you will be able to see the face behind the Rooster!! I will be doing video reviews, and I am currently working on setting up video interviews! If you would like to be a part of this new venture please contact me here @ the Cheeky Rooster,
Also if you are interested in ad space on the videos please contact me for details.
Have a great day!!
Also if you are interested in ad space on the videos please contact me for details.
Have a great day!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
The Cheeky Rooster : A little fun this morning
The Cheeky Rooster : A little fun this morning: This was a little project i had started a while back, I have yet to finish it, but I am always looking to restart the project..
A little fun this morning
To try for a publisher or not to try.... That is the question
This morning, as I was scrolling through my news feed on Facebook, I noticed that people were debating on whether they should or should not try to get published. There are many good points to this debate.
For one a publisher can get you a wider audience and potentially (and in all reality) increase your book sales. Second, a publisher has a marketing team on hand to do all that tedious and daunting marketing, that makes you want to rip your hair out ( well it does for me most of the time and frankly I do not have the time in the day to do the marketing 24/7). Third and most importantly a publisher has the ability to get your books into major retail stores, this is not easily accomplished if you are flying solo. I'm not saying it can't be done, but again it takes a lot of hard work and money to track down where and how to get this accomplished.
On the flip side, staying independent a person makes their own options. You have total and complete free reign on when you want to put out your next book, or if you even want to. You the author have the option to print on demand and set your own prices of your work. Most importantly you retain your freedom and your rights to your work.
It all boils down to this, what do you want out of your work? Do you want to be in the book stores and major retailers? Do you want to be able to reach a bigger audience, do you like to have the control or would you rather let someone else do all the tedious stuff and allow you time for writing?
The choice is in your hands alone. Yes submitting to publishers or literary agents, is a lot of work and you will get a lot of rejections, but you are not alone. Look up some of the more famous authors and see how many rejections they received before they landed a deal that made them famous and pulling in the big bucks... you would be surprised at what you find.
For one a publisher can get you a wider audience and potentially (and in all reality) increase your book sales. Second, a publisher has a marketing team on hand to do all that tedious and daunting marketing, that makes you want to rip your hair out ( well it does for me most of the time and frankly I do not have the time in the day to do the marketing 24/7). Third and most importantly a publisher has the ability to get your books into major retail stores, this is not easily accomplished if you are flying solo. I'm not saying it can't be done, but again it takes a lot of hard work and money to track down where and how to get this accomplished.
On the flip side, staying independent a person makes their own options. You have total and complete free reign on when you want to put out your next book, or if you even want to. You the author have the option to print on demand and set your own prices of your work. Most importantly you retain your freedom and your rights to your work.
It all boils down to this, what do you want out of your work? Do you want to be in the book stores and major retailers? Do you want to be able to reach a bigger audience, do you like to have the control or would you rather let someone else do all the tedious stuff and allow you time for writing?
The choice is in your hands alone. Yes submitting to publishers or literary agents, is a lot of work and you will get a lot of rejections, but you are not alone. Look up some of the more famous authors and see how many rejections they received before they landed a deal that made them famous and pulling in the big bucks... you would be surprised at what you find.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Love is For Suckers... A review
Sorry I have not posted in a couple of days... I know "how dare I?" Well, I have to take time out for reading, so I can post these reviews for you. This time, I have been reading two books at once but I'm going to start with Love is for Suckers by Matt R Jones.
I'll need say this, this short story is just that, a short story that gives us a glimpse into the world of The Hollywood Vampires series.... and it has me hooked for more!
This short story is action packed and full of energy. A perfect read for adrenaline junkies who love to read. Matt brings out a ton of imagery and detail to make you feel as though you are right there on the back of the vampire seeing through his eyes, hearing with his ears, and feeling every hard packed crunch and snap of his body or the bodies that pile up around him.
Matt has over 30 published works under his belt, and is an extremely accomplished writer. I thoroughly enjoyed this story and look forward to reading more of his books. This is definitely NOT your typical vampire story and if you are like me and your still loving the 80's then this is a book for you along with the other titles Matt has published...
Loved it 5 stars for sure!!!
now, go get a copy.
I'll need say this, this short story is just that, a short story that gives us a glimpse into the world of The Hollywood Vampires series.... and it has me hooked for more!
This short story is action packed and full of energy. A perfect read for adrenaline junkies who love to read. Matt brings out a ton of imagery and detail to make you feel as though you are right there on the back of the vampire seeing through his eyes, hearing with his ears, and feeling every hard packed crunch and snap of his body or the bodies that pile up around him.
Matt has over 30 published works under his belt, and is an extremely accomplished writer. I thoroughly enjoyed this story and look forward to reading more of his books. This is definitely NOT your typical vampire story and if you are like me and your still loving the 80's then this is a book for you along with the other titles Matt has published...
Loved it 5 stars for sure!!!
now, go get a copy.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
IL Needs to Follow Colorado's Footstep's and Here is Why.
I live in IL. I recently have been reading in the news how bankrupt my state is. For example, I read online the other day that our own state can not afford to pay the utility bills, and that they may end up loose the power at the state buildings. I also read very recently that all Lottery winners that win over $25,000.00 are being given IOU's, however the state is still selling lotto tickets!
According to an article in the Chicago Tribune dated 10/07/2015 A couple of people are now attempting to gather a class action law suit against the state of IL for non payment. The article reads that IL can not pay lotto winners until a state budget is passed.
IL Secretary of State Jesse White, says that due to the stand off on the budget that the electricity may end up being turned off at the Capitol :
This is all just some info on why I have a big issue with my state. Now let's look at what Colorado has done, they have raised over $150 million in taxes since they legalized marijuana. Washington, has also legalized the pot and has raised $83 million in taxes. So why is it so difficult for our own state to see the big picture? IL took the first steps in legalization by opening the doors Legal Medical Marijuana. That is just the first step however, only a handful of doctors (that I could find in my research) are willing to sign off on the required doctor approval need to get the medical card. Is that enough to make a big change in rescuing my state and getting our butts out of bankruptcy? Heck no it's not....
Wake up IL we need to legalize pot, the benefits, out weigh the risks.
1. Patients with debilitating diseases, would be able to get a supplement that works at a lower cost.
2. The war on drugs will be lowered, since one drug is now legal.
3. Less arrests and overcrowding of our prisons, effectively cutting costs, to house the criminals
4. All the tax money brought in can be put to use to help build a better infrastructure for our state, the surplus can go back to the communities that are in desperate need!
5 Last but not least, our state would finally be out of debt.
Wake up IL and start looking at the facts. If our Governor truly wanted to make this state a better place to live, then he would act on this right now. What are you waiting for?
Oh and for your information, no I do not smoke pot. I am just being very realistic and looking at the big picture for my state. Personally, I see nothing wrong with it. I know a lot of people who do it, and I can safe for sure that they are some of the most relaxed and happy people I have ever met. I also know a lot of people who are alcoholics, well I can't say the same for them unfortunately.
You have mean angry stupid drunks, however I have never once seen a pothead mean, or angry, so which is lesser evil? you decide.
According to an article in the Chicago Tribune dated 10/07/2015 A couple of people are now attempting to gather a class action law suit against the state of IL for non payment. The article reads that IL can not pay lotto winners until a state budget is passed.
IL Secretary of State Jesse White, says that due to the stand off on the budget that the electricity may end up being turned off at the Capitol :
This is all just some info on why I have a big issue with my state. Now let's look at what Colorado has done, they have raised over $150 million in taxes since they legalized marijuana. Washington, has also legalized the pot and has raised $83 million in taxes. So why is it so difficult for our own state to see the big picture? IL took the first steps in legalization by opening the doors Legal Medical Marijuana. That is just the first step however, only a handful of doctors (that I could find in my research) are willing to sign off on the required doctor approval need to get the medical card. Is that enough to make a big change in rescuing my state and getting our butts out of bankruptcy? Heck no it's not....
Wake up IL we need to legalize pot, the benefits, out weigh the risks.
1. Patients with debilitating diseases, would be able to get a supplement that works at a lower cost.
2. The war on drugs will be lowered, since one drug is now legal.
3. Less arrests and overcrowding of our prisons, effectively cutting costs, to house the criminals
4. All the tax money brought in can be put to use to help build a better infrastructure for our state, the surplus can go back to the communities that are in desperate need!
5 Last but not least, our state would finally be out of debt.
Wake up IL and start looking at the facts. If our Governor truly wanted to make this state a better place to live, then he would act on this right now. What are you waiting for?
Oh and for your information, no I do not smoke pot. I am just being very realistic and looking at the big picture for my state. Personally, I see nothing wrong with it. I know a lot of people who do it, and I can safe for sure that they are some of the most relaxed and happy people I have ever met. I also know a lot of people who are alcoholics, well I can't say the same for them unfortunately.
You have mean angry stupid drunks, however I have never once seen a pothead mean, or angry, so which is lesser evil? you decide.
Monday, October 5, 2015
It's About Time
I have been feeling, uninspired lately. I have gotten trapped in a cycle and it seems to me, that most of my viewers want to see nothing but posts about writing. When I started this blog, I had intended on using my voice for reviews and interviews, as well as talking directly to my viewers about ME and what's going on in my life, as well as sharing my advice or opinions that may affect my readers.
In this short time, I have completely and totally forgotten about me. That is just not OK. I completely and totally do this to myself in every aspect of life. I tend to get so wrapped up in helping others that I forget to have time for me, (this is just in my nature) and it takes it toll.
Today I am taking time for me and I am writing about me for a change. There are a lot of things going on in my life outside of this blog. Recently I had a minor procedure done to check for bladder cancer ( I had been waiting for over a month to hear if I did in fact have cancer of the bladder, all signs had been pointing to yes!!). Fortunately for me , they did not find any cancer, however, I have been diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis. Well, you'd think that was good news, it really is not though. Life long severe pain of the bladder. It is manageable IF and that is a big IF, your insurance will cover the medication needed for this disease. Apparently mine won't cover it..... well screw me then! (I won't go on a rant about insurance companies dictating what patients can or can not have, I'll be on that rant for days!! ).
Moving on..... Through all of that, I work a regular full time job in a nursing home as well and I do it in pain each and every day. I keep it from my patients, because their needs outweigh my own.
I also have a young teenage daughter. Recently her grades have slipped, and she has been on an emotional roller coaster ( you call them boys, I call them ..... well never mind what I call some of them). It is a constant battle of wits with this one, as she is very much like me. It's pretty hard to fight with yourself (lol). I worry so much about her, that it makes my job(s) almost impossible. I constantly get messages from her asking if she can go here or do this and that, and when my answer is "No you have chores and homework to do first" its on like Donkey Kong! Yesterday I had to turn my phone off, I can't get it through her head that I am at work and can not keep getting messages while I am there. Lately, I feel like I should leave my job and stay home so I can be here for her, but I can not afford to do that. So what's a mother to do?? A very big problem that I have come to realize is that, some parents these days aren't old school like myself. Their children are allowed to run the streets and have absolutely no responsibilities! Where did we go wrong? I know back in my day, I hated how strict my parents were. I certainly don't want to be that bad, so I try my best to make it an even medium. With that being said, my daughter gets sh*t from other kids because I make her do chores, and ground her if she does not follow the rules. There is nothing more I can say, other then I would love to tell those kids off! I remind my daughter that these are life lessons she needs for when she is older and out on her own. I wonder if my words haven fallen of deaf ears? (probably)
You may be wondering why I am putting all of this out there. This is my answer. This blog is about me, in total, and I would love to see it go further so I can eventually be that stay at home mom, who can still earn a living. It is also about you. I know I am not alone, on any of the subjects, I write about. This is my medium. I can be me, and I can be there for you as well.
Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to read, and share my blog. Without you I would just be sitting here, writing to myself.
In this short time, I have completely and totally forgotten about me. That is just not OK. I completely and totally do this to myself in every aspect of life. I tend to get so wrapped up in helping others that I forget to have time for me, (this is just in my nature) and it takes it toll.
Today I am taking time for me and I am writing about me for a change. There are a lot of things going on in my life outside of this blog. Recently I had a minor procedure done to check for bladder cancer ( I had been waiting for over a month to hear if I did in fact have cancer of the bladder, all signs had been pointing to yes!!). Fortunately for me , they did not find any cancer, however, I have been diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis. Well, you'd think that was good news, it really is not though. Life long severe pain of the bladder. It is manageable IF and that is a big IF, your insurance will cover the medication needed for this disease. Apparently mine won't cover it..... well screw me then! (I won't go on a rant about insurance companies dictating what patients can or can not have, I'll be on that rant for days!! ).
Moving on..... Through all of that, I work a regular full time job in a nursing home as well and I do it in pain each and every day. I keep it from my patients, because their needs outweigh my own.
I also have a young teenage daughter. Recently her grades have slipped, and she has been on an emotional roller coaster ( you call them boys, I call them ..... well never mind what I call some of them). It is a constant battle of wits with this one, as she is very much like me. It's pretty hard to fight with yourself (lol). I worry so much about her, that it makes my job(s) almost impossible. I constantly get messages from her asking if she can go here or do this and that, and when my answer is "No you have chores and homework to do first" its on like Donkey Kong! Yesterday I had to turn my phone off, I can't get it through her head that I am at work and can not keep getting messages while I am there. Lately, I feel like I should leave my job and stay home so I can be here for her, but I can not afford to do that. So what's a mother to do?? A very big problem that I have come to realize is that, some parents these days aren't old school like myself. Their children are allowed to run the streets and have absolutely no responsibilities! Where did we go wrong? I know back in my day, I hated how strict my parents were. I certainly don't want to be that bad, so I try my best to make it an even medium. With that being said, my daughter gets sh*t from other kids because I make her do chores, and ground her if she does not follow the rules. There is nothing more I can say, other then I would love to tell those kids off! I remind my daughter that these are life lessons she needs for when she is older and out on her own. I wonder if my words haven fallen of deaf ears? (probably)
You may be wondering why I am putting all of this out there. This is my answer. This blog is about me, in total, and I would love to see it go further so I can eventually be that stay at home mom, who can still earn a living. It is also about you. I know I am not alone, on any of the subjects, I write about. This is my medium. I can be me, and I can be there for you as well.
Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to read, and share my blog. Without you I would just be sitting here, writing to myself.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Friday, October 2, 2015
The Escape : Eve Ate the Apple Book One; A Review
Wow where do I even begin with this one? I'll start with the words taken from the book cover: "A Forbidden Love. A Daring Escape. An Epic Adventure."- Seven Steps, Author.
Well that really about sums it up! This book truly has it all. I admit I am not one for Science Fiction, with that said, I am so overly happy that I got a chance to read this book and met with the Author Seven Steps.
It is a difficult thing to bring about a completely unique story, but Seven Steps has fully accomplished this with her book. I am almost at a loss for words after reading this story( I said ALMOST). So moving on. The story begins on a futuristic Venus where women are the rulers, and men are reduced to servants. Our two main characters adore their slaves, in fact they love them, one outright declares from the get go, although her slave knows all too well the consequences of their love will mean certain death for the both of them. The second character tries in vain not to care for her slave, but soon comes to realize that she has been kidding herself the entire time, she does love him, and will do anything to ensure his safety.
With out giving away too many spoilers (you will just have to buy the book and read for yourself what happens) there is a great escape and the women along with their slaves, and two mysterious children, are on the run. They time jump to Earth. Unfortunately they landed in the wrong era, and most definitely in the wrong place.. (how's the saying go? Out of the frying pot into the fire?? It's been too long for me to remember)
Peril and an unforeseen loss mixed with tragedy, war, and new found freedom make for an epic adventure. There is a mystery here that needs to be solved, our adventurers are loosing their memories, the only thing holding them together is the overwhelming sense, that they belong together through the bond of love and friendship.
I give this book 4.5 stars out 5. If Seven Steps, hasn't yet landed a book deal with a publishing company she really should be!! You will be hard pressed to find such a beautifully written well told story like this one. Move over Arthur C Clark, there's some new competition in town and the name is Seven Steps!
Well that really about sums it up! This book truly has it all. I admit I am not one for Science Fiction, with that said, I am so overly happy that I got a chance to read this book and met with the Author Seven Steps.
It is a difficult thing to bring about a completely unique story, but Seven Steps has fully accomplished this with her book. I am almost at a loss for words after reading this story( I said ALMOST). So moving on. The story begins on a futuristic Venus where women are the rulers, and men are reduced to servants. Our two main characters adore their slaves, in fact they love them, one outright declares from the get go, although her slave knows all too well the consequences of their love will mean certain death for the both of them. The second character tries in vain not to care for her slave, but soon comes to realize that she has been kidding herself the entire time, she does love him, and will do anything to ensure his safety.
With out giving away too many spoilers (you will just have to buy the book and read for yourself what happens) there is a great escape and the women along with their slaves, and two mysterious children, are on the run. They time jump to Earth. Unfortunately they landed in the wrong era, and most definitely in the wrong place.. (how's the saying go? Out of the frying pot into the fire?? It's been too long for me to remember)
Peril and an unforeseen loss mixed with tragedy, war, and new found freedom make for an epic adventure. There is a mystery here that needs to be solved, our adventurers are loosing their memories, the only thing holding them together is the overwhelming sense, that they belong together through the bond of love and friendship.
I give this book 4.5 stars out 5. If Seven Steps, hasn't yet landed a book deal with a publishing company she really should be!! You will be hard pressed to find such a beautifully written well told story like this one. Move over Arthur C Clark, there's some new competition in town and the name is Seven Steps!
Thursday, October 1, 2015
It is NOT OK to.........
This will most definitely come off as a "rant" and I don't really care about that. (if you're offended by that simple statement, I'm not sorry, because you need to keep reading).
It is NOT OK, to take books out of the classrooms!! I realize that we are advancing in society with new technology, however NOT all people learn the same way. I am not against technology in the classroom, but to take away actual physical books with written words that you can read and re read until you can comprehend what is being taught is ridiculous, (but, Cheeky you can do that online!! Ya and I can look up porn online too but it doesn't mean that I do or that it is a fit for me). You may think that this does not relate to you, STOP right there!!! Yes it does. Most of my readers are Authors, and publishers, and everything in between. How would you all feel if all the sudden, you no longer had the ability to sell your physical copy of your book?? Pretty crappy huh. Technology is putting publishing houses and printers out of business, and that is just not OK with me, but that is really only a portion of my rant.
I HATE AND DESPISE the COMMON CORE practice in the schools. It's all tied together, I have letters from teachers, that say that due to common core and the new tech, they no longer carry the actual books. WTF??!!! How am I as a parent supposed to HELP my child learn or unlearn, that 2+2=4??? How do we as society accept this idea? "Well you got the wrong answer to the mathematical equation, BUT your steps to show your answer are good, so you pass. How the heck did we let this happen? Is this OK with you? NOT me!
So, when I call up a teacher and ask where the book is, I get pretty ticked off when I hear, well we don't have them, or why don't you know how to use the technology?? First and foremost, that is extremely insulting to my intelligence, and yes I find that insulting. The best reply I got from teacher when I questioned him about the text books, was " I have them take notes in class"....I found this utterly laughable. My reply was this, " Not everyone is capable of writing down the notes and try to keep up with what you are teaching, and not all people are good note takers, this is where you are failing. You can not expect a young child to be put under that type of pressure in class and thrive. This is NOT college, this (at the time) is 7th grade!"
Every person on the planet is an INDIVIDUAL, not everyone learns in the same manner, so why are the schools forcing our children into a one track mind set? It is not right and yes I will fight on this, not just for my own child, but for others as well.
It is NOT OK, to take books out of the classrooms!! I realize that we are advancing in society with new technology, however NOT all people learn the same way. I am not against technology in the classroom, but to take away actual physical books with written words that you can read and re read until you can comprehend what is being taught is ridiculous, (but, Cheeky you can do that online!! Ya and I can look up porn online too but it doesn't mean that I do or that it is a fit for me). You may think that this does not relate to you, STOP right there!!! Yes it does. Most of my readers are Authors, and publishers, and everything in between. How would you all feel if all the sudden, you no longer had the ability to sell your physical copy of your book?? Pretty crappy huh. Technology is putting publishing houses and printers out of business, and that is just not OK with me, but that is really only a portion of my rant.
I HATE AND DESPISE the COMMON CORE practice in the schools. It's all tied together, I have letters from teachers, that say that due to common core and the new tech, they no longer carry the actual books. WTF??!!! How am I as a parent supposed to HELP my child learn or unlearn, that 2+2=4??? How do we as society accept this idea? "Well you got the wrong answer to the mathematical equation, BUT your steps to show your answer are good, so you pass. How the heck did we let this happen? Is this OK with you? NOT me!
So, when I call up a teacher and ask where the book is, I get pretty ticked off when I hear, well we don't have them, or why don't you know how to use the technology?? First and foremost, that is extremely insulting to my intelligence, and yes I find that insulting. The best reply I got from teacher when I questioned him about the text books, was " I have them take notes in class"....I found this utterly laughable. My reply was this, " Not everyone is capable of writing down the notes and try to keep up with what you are teaching, and not all people are good note takers, this is where you are failing. You can not expect a young child to be put under that type of pressure in class and thrive. This is NOT college, this (at the time) is 7th grade!"
Every person on the planet is an INDIVIDUAL, not everyone learns in the same manner, so why are the schools forcing our children into a one track mind set? It is not right and yes I will fight on this, not just for my own child, but for others as well.
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