

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

My new project

Hi cheeky readers!! I wanted to tell you all about a new project I am currently working on...

I am making a semi-documentary about my life with agoraphobia and social anxiety disorder... So far it has been both a relief to talk about my anxiety and fears, as well as horrifying and emotional. Once I feel I have enough video, I will post it.

I ask that as you watch to keep an open mind as this is my life and the daily struggles I go through.

Why I am doing this? I am doing this because I feel that there is not enough exposure out there for people like myself who have to fake a smile and pretend there is nothing wrong. More people need to be aware that although we (people like myself) may appear to be quite normal on the outside,  we are not OKAY on the inside.

I honestly can not say how long I will do these recordings as I am trying to capture the real side of my life and it is not always possible to get a camera rolling as I have a melt down.

Again, thank you in advance for being open minded enough to view the movie once it is released.

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