

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Hobbies...Remember when

Hi and Good Morning to you all!!

Remember way back when I told you I have numerous hobbies?? Well, I have added a new hobby that I have never tried before: Painting.... Now I admit that before a month ago the only paint brush I had ever picked up was to paint the walls in my house.... But now I paint as a hobby and I have gotten thousands of views on my art work and positive feedback.....

Of course each artist is critical of their own works, but the numbers don't lie... So if you would like to check them out you can find them here or on

If you are interested in joining artwanted click the link below!!
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Thursday, February 4, 2016

My New Hobby

This red swirl lighted mason jar lamp now available..... I have a wide variety of mason jar lamps for sale. Ask for prices....

Friday, January 8, 2016

Picking Bones

Good morning to all!

I have been away for a few months and I apologize for that. I have been going through a lot of medical issues, so I had to get that straightened out. I am doing better and in a later post I will go into detail of what is going on with me and my health but not today...

Today I put this post out there for the simple reason of irritation. I am sick to death of some of things going on here in America. 

Let's start with what is happening over in Oregon. For those of you who do not know what is happening in Oregon here is the recap.

1.  A group of citizens who call themselves : "Citizens for Constitutional Freedom" have taken up arms (guns) and have taken over the federal preserve center ... Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns Oregon.

2. Their reasoning? At the utmost thus far the only true thing we can find in any news article is that this group of armed citizens are upset because a father and son were arrested tried and convicted of arson on federal property. At first the proceeding judge gave the pair a light sentence, however that ruling was overturned and another judge stepped in and enforced the minimum sentence of five years, (Originally the pair were given about a one year sentence). Here is where it begins to get interesting. The father and son actually distanced themselves from this armed group and complied with the new sentence and turned themselves in to serve their time in prison.  To get the heart of the matter where these two are concerned is this : They had started a wild fire to cover up their poaching of deer on federal grounds. The fire got out of control and caused a lot of damage. It is my own belief (and I am not alone) that, if a person who actually believed they did nothing wrong, that said person would more than likely be siding with these armed protesters who are fighting for their cause right? Well by all accounts they are not. This leads me to believe that they in fact did commit the crime for which they are being punished for. 

3. The group have said that they want the land turned over to the rightful owners of the land but have yet to name those people. They give no real answer here. If the land is owned by the federal government then it is the governments land. So by logical reasoning they do not have a leg to stand on here. Now if they want to say that they demand the land be given back to the Native American's then OK, I could possibly see a point here, but from the sketchy at best reports, that is not who they want the land given to. They want the land to go to ranchers, or businesses who log, and strip the land. That is not OK from my  point of view. This is a wildlife refuge. A place the federal government has set a side for all types of wildlife to be at peace and for people to be able to go and see the beauty of this land in its natural state.  

In the latest article by Caitlin Dickson for Yahoo News dated 1/7/2016, Sheriff David Ward held a town hall meeting to speak about the group and the situation it has created for the county and the town. The people that actually live there who include ranchers, (the type of people this group is fighting for) want the group gone and out of their home state. Mr. Bundy and many of his followers who have taken up residence in the federal reserve building are not from Oregon at all. I agree with them, the town folk not Mr. Bundy. They need to leave and fight their fight in their own homes and in their own state(s). The sheriff met with the group leader and gave him the message that the PEOPLE want them gone. The very people who they claim to be fighting for want them GONE.  This group still refuses to leave.

This just pisses me off to no end. I am all for fighting for people's rights and for standing up for a good cause, but this whole thing reeks of self indulgence and a bunch of idiots carrying guns into a small community demanding something that they have no claim to. These assholes have completely and totally disrupted an entire community for absolutely NOTHING!!  Their schools are closed, so now the children are not getting their education as they have a RIGHT to. Some businesses have closed for the time being due to the armed assholes that have created a stand off due to fear for their LIVES which have left them unable to make money running their businesses (I would sue the group for this alone).  There are now hundreds of people coming in from all over the country disrupting these community members' lives disrupting their right to HAPPINESS.

Did this group of people seriously think about the people who their actions would affect in the long run? No. They are thinking of themselves and only themselves and it is time for them to pack up and leave. In fighting for one part of our nation's Constitution they have turned a blind eye to some of the other parts of our very foundation. I particularly am quite tired of people using bits and parts  of one thing to justify ruining the  lives of others. That is NOT how things work.

To the group of armed citizens: leave and don't go back, you are not wanted and you are not needed. You have caused more trouble then done anyone any good. You want to fight the government then find a way to do it peacefully and legally, you know the way it was meant to be, afforded to you by the laws of our land!!!